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Scenes from Club Happenings

From volunteering on campaigns to grilling candidates, here is the Delaware City Club in action.

Independence Day Parade in City of Delaware
Talking to voters during July First Friday Street Festival in Delaware Ohio
Senator Andrew Brenner joins club at First Friday in Downtown Delaware
State Representative Brian Lorenz and his wife, Sue, join the club for the parade
Candidate Joe Knopp speaks to standing room only crowd
Candidate Mike Gibbons speaks to a packed room
Jim Jordan addresses the room at the ORCC event in Powell
Jim Jordan at the Ohio Republican Council of Clubs special event in Powell
Secretary of State Frank LaRose @ February 2023 meeting
Retired Sheriff Russ Martin @ April 2023 meeting
Acting Sheriff Jeff Balzar @ April 2023 meeting
City Council Candidate (4th ward) Kevin Rider @ April 2023 meeting
Rep Jim Jordan speaks at 2023 Lincoln-Reagan dinner
Jay McCann receives the 2023 Janet Brenneman “Volunteer of the Year” award
Retired Sheriff Russ Martin speaks after being honored for his service at the 2023 Lincoln-Reagan dinner, as Sen. Andy Brenner, Rep. Beth Lear, and Central Committee Chairman Shawn Parker look on.
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