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The Government that Is Closest to the People Serves the People Best

Thomas Jefferson

People get the government they deserve.

Make your mark on your local and state government. Make sure the federal government represents your values and values your freedom. Stand up for freedom!

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that ultimately do.”

Can we count on you?


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be Delaware City Republican Club or DCRC.

Article II – Mission Statement

To provide a forum for the residents, families, and friends of Delaware City and surrounding communities where like-minded Constitutional Conservatives can meet. The DCRC shall promote participation in citywide and countywide political action and conservative representation. It will inform the members on candidates and issues affecting the City of Delaware, Delaware County, and the State of Ohio.

Article III – Non-Discrimination Policy

The Delaware City Republican Club is committed to equal volunteer opportunity without regard to age, ancestry, disability, national or ethnic origin, race, religious belief, gender, marital status, or veteran status.

Article IV – Conflict of Interest Policy

No board member or board committee member, or any member of his/her family should accept any gift, entertainment, service, loan, or promise of future benefits from any person who either personally or whose employees might benefit or appear to benefit from such board or committee member’s connection with the Delaware City Republican Club, unless the facts of such benefit, gift, service, or loan are disclosed in good faith and are authorized by the board. Board and committee members are expected to work out for themselves the most gracious method of declining gifts, entertainment, and benefits that do not meet this standard.

Article V – Membership

Any person over the age of 18 who professes and supports the conservative views of the Republican Party shall be granted membership upon payment of annual dues. Membership may only be rejected for a person by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board and ratification by a two-thirds vote of the members eligible to vote at the next general club meeting. To be eligible to vote in any vote taken by the organization, members must have attended three regular club meetings as determined by sign-in sheets during the 12 months preceding the meeting in which the vote occurs.

Article VI – Membership Fees

Dues amount will be established by the Board of Directors each year and are payable each year in January. Dues for new members joining after July 1st will be discounted by 50%.

Article VII – Meetings

Events will be held each month (except for any recesses) or on the call of the elected president. Event notices will be posted at least 10 days prior to the meeting date.

Membership Meetings will be held as needed (except for any recesses) or on the call of the elected president. Meeting notices will be posted at least 10 days prior to the meeting date. A quorum is established when at least 51% of members who are eligible to vote are present. Any vote on an issue brought forward at a meeting shall be decide by a simple majority of members present except where noted otherwise in these bylaws.

Board Meetings will be held on the call of the elected president. Meeting notices will be posted at least 10 days prior to the meeting date. A quorum is established when at least 3/5 of Board members who are eligible to vote are present. Endorsements of executive board and by-laws needs quorum for vote. Any proposals or revisions will be sent out to review. (resolution to honor, endorsement of candidate). Any vote on an issue brought forward at a meeting shall be decide by a simple majority of members present except where noted otherwise in these bylaws.

A Nominations meeting will be held in January, and a Reorganization meeting in February, when terms of office commence. These meetings can be either Membership or Board meetings.

Article VIII – Endorsement Policy

The Delaware City Republican Club may endorse a candidate for public office once the official filing deadline for that office has passed and candidate must have officially declared his/her candidacy for public office. A vote for endorsement may be called by any member of the club that is eligible to vote. A decision by the club to endorse a candidate requires a 75% vote of the members eligible to vote at a club meeting where a quorum is present. The Endorsement meeting must occur 30 days prior to the Election date. Endorsements may be overturned by a two-thirds vote of the members eligible to vote at a club meeting where a quorum is present.

Article IX – Board of Directors

Section 1 - Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Delaware City Republican Club consists of the following elected officers who are registered Republicans and residents of Delaware County Ohio.


The board will also consist of the following standing committee chairs who will be expected to be of Conservative standing in their views:

Finance – (the Treasurer will chair this committee)
Events – (Social/PAC/Fundraising)
Program – (the Vice-President will chair this committee)

Section 2 - Terms of Office

Terms of office will be 2 years. Terms will begin in February and staggered. After nomination (in January) electees will take office in 2nd meeting, upon election.

Terms will be staggered as follows:

President and Treasurer: 2 year term beginning February of even-numbered years. If newly assuming office in an odd-numbered year, the initial term of office shall be 1 year.

Vice-President and Secretary: 2 year term beginning February of odd-numbered years. If newly assuming office in an even-numbered year, the initial term of office shall be 1 year.

Events, Communications/Marketing Committee Chairs: 2 year term beginning February of even-numbered years. If newly assuming office in an odd-numbered year, the initial term of office shall be 1 year.

Advisory Committee Chair: 2 year term beginning February of odd-numbered years. If newly assuming office in an even-numbered year, the initial term of office shall be 1 year.

Section 3 - Term Limits

There will be no term limits enforced.

Section 4 - Duties of the President
  1. Preside and lead all meetings of the Delaware City Republican Club and the Board of Directors.
  2. Oversee the work and direction of the club.
  3. Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  4. Sign checks when the Treasurer is unavailable to do so.
  5. Attend all Ohio Council of Clubs meetings or appoint a proxy to attend.
  6. The Club President or his/her designate shall adjudicate any disputes that cannot be resolved.
Section 5 - Duties of the Vice President
  1. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and other such duties as may be assigned.
  2. Chair the Program Committee.
Section 6 - Duties of the Secretary
  1. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Club meetings and Board of Directors meetings and be the custodian of all Club records, except for those of the Treasurer.
Section 7 - Duties of the Treasurer
  1. Receive all Club funds, including donations to the Club.
  2. Be the custodian of all funds of the Club.
  3. Pay all of the bills of the Club, when duly approved by the President and certified by the person(s) who contracted the same.
  4. Keep a spreadsheet of the Club’s accounts payable/receivable and make available a full report at all Board of Directors meetings or as requested by the President.
  5. Chair the Finance Committee.
Section 8 - Duties of the Finance Committee
  1. Create an annual budget for the Club.
Section 9 - Duties of the Events Committee
  1. Organize fundraising events for the Club.
  2. Recommend to the Board of Directors events outside the Clubs program activities and organize Club involvement.
Section 10 - Duties of the Program Committee
  1. Contact and invite local, county, state and national representatives and candidates to make presentations at regular Club meetings.
  2. Contact and invite representatives of local and national groups of conservative interest to give presentations at regular Club meetings.
  3. Arrange all of the audio-visual equipment required to make video presentations including access to Zoom meetings with candidates and representatives to facilitate presentation at the regular Club meetings when necessary.
Section 11 - Duties of the Communications/Marketing Committee
  1. Send out weekly email updates to all registered attendees communicating meeting dates and speakers.
  2. Update the DCRC website and social media with current information regarding meetings, activities and special events.
  3. Create and send out advertisements of meetings, activities and special events to local newspapers, Ohio Council of Clubs, radio and television stations.
Section 12 - Duties of the Advisory Committee
  1. Advisory Committee can make recommendations in best interest and monitor compliance with President having final decision.

Article X – Expenditures

Expenditures of up to $200 may be expended by approval of the president and Treasurer. Expenditures in excess of $200 requires approval of the President and a majority of the eligible votes of the Executive Board. All funds of the club shall be deposited to the credit of the club in banks, trust companies, or other depositories that the Executive Board selects.

Article XI – Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of members present and eligible to vote at any regular meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given at least 30 days prior to that meeting.

Article XII – Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall be the Parliamentary Authority for all matters not specifically covered by the Bylaws of this club.

Delaware City Republican Club – 
Delaware City Republican Club – 
Delaware City Republican Club – 
Delaware City Republican Club – 
Delaware City Republican Club – 

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