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Dear Fellow Republicans:
I am thrilled to partner with you in keeping Delaware red. Democrats have shown us that they are incapable of fixing the problems that face our nation. In fact, they have just caused more problems.

It is easy to look at the future as bleak and hopeless. The Delaware City Republican Club exists to give our citizens hope that we can have an amazing future if we work together to make a difference right here at home.

Making an improvement starts at the local level. There are multiple ways to get involved this year. Stick with us and we will connect you with opportunities to get involved.

The time has come where minding our own business and ignoring what is happening and hoping it changes is over. The time to act is NOW! Together we can make a difference, together we can save our country, together we can keep Delaware red.

To do this we must unite. The beauty of the Republican party is that we are free to have differing opinions, however, sometimes those differing opinions get in the way, and we fight each other, instead of fighting our real enemy, the Democrats.

We must unite around what we do agree on, and fight to ensure that we elect constitutional conservatives in local positions. We can’t stop Democrats from coming to Delaware. But we can reach those who have been lied to by the Democrats and show them what the Republican party is really about.

There are many like us, we just need to reach them and bring them to our side.

Are you ready to save our country? I am! Ready. Set. Let’s go! 

Much love,

Janine Baker

Delaware City Republican Club President